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Trang chủ » 공감하시네 악보는 무료 다운로드 가능! 클릭하세요!

공감하시네 악보는 무료 다운로드 가능! 클릭하세요!

[악보&찬양]  '공감하시네'  (김강현 曲, 어노인팅)

공감하시네 악보

공감하시네 악보 소개

공감하시네 악보는 대한민국의 작곡가 윤상, 가수 장덕의 공동작업으로 1994년 발매된 앨범 “공감하시네”의 타이틀곡이다. 이후로도 한국의 대중음악계에서 끊임없이 사랑받아 왔다. “공감하시네”는 아름다운 선율과 가사, 그리고 인간의 감성을 충분히 담아낸 곡으로, 고요한 밤에 듣기 좋은 음악 중 하나로 평가받고 있다.

공감하시네 악보의 예술성

“공감하시네”는 예술성이 뛰어나다는 평가를 받고 있다. 고요한 밤에 듣기 좋은 음악으로도 유명한 이 곡은, 섬세한 악기 연주와 함께 부드러운 보컬로 전달되는 가사, 아름다운 멜로디의 조화 속에서 진정한 예술작품으로서의 가치를 높이고 있다.

공감하시네 악보의 음악 요소

“공감하시네”는 부드러운 조용함과 팝 음악의 장르를 혼합한 곡으로 평가받고 있다. 섬세한 피아노 연주와 부드러운 보컬이 조화를 이루고 있으며, 일관된 분위기를 유지하면서 노래의 높낮이 변화를 최소화하여 청취자의 감성을 자극한다.

공감하시네 악보 연주 방법

“공감하시네”는 감성적인 면이 강조된 곡으로, 연주 시 감성적인 느낌을 최우선으로 고려해야 한다. 피아노 연주 시에는 섬세하고 부드러운 연주를 추천하며, 보컬 연주 시에는 감성적인 가사의 뉘앙스를 정확히 전달할 수 있도록 신경써야 한다.

공감하시네 악보의 대중성

“공감하시네”는 발매 이후로도 꾸준한 인기를 끌고 있다. 대한민국을 넘어 아시아 전역에서도 인기를 끌며, 특히 집중력이 필요한 작업을 할 때나 스트레스가 쌓이면서 힐링이 필요할 때 자주 듣는 대표적인 곡 중 하나로 자리 잡았다.

공감하시네 악보의 역사

“공감하시네”는 1994년 발매된 작곡가 윤상과 가수 장덕의 공동작업으로 탄생했다. 발매 이후 수많은 히트곡을 선보이며 대한민국의 음악 씬을 결정지었다. 이후로도 연령, 성별, 지역 등을 막론하고 많은 이들에게 사랑받고 있다.

공감하시네 악보의 작곡가

“공감하시네”의 작곡가는 대한민국의 대표 작곡가 중 한 명인 윤상이다. 윤상은 “동행”, “약속”, “우산” 등 다수의 히트곡을 만들어내며 대한민국의 음악계를 이끌어왔다.

공감하시네 악보의 창작 프로세스

“공감하시네”는 작곡가 윤상과 가수 장덕의 공동작업으로 탄생했다. 이 곡은 발매 이후 국내 및 해외에서 큰 성공을 거두면서, 작곡가와 가수의 손길을 거쳐 탄생된 예술작품으로 자리 잡았다.

공감하시네 악보의 영향력

“공감하시네”는 대한민국의 음악계에 큰 영향을 미치며, 꾸준한 사랑을 받고 있다. 그러나, 최근에는 이 곡의 가사에 대한 논란이 적지 않았다. 그래서 최근에는 영어 가사로도 불리는 “Timeless” 버전이 등장하여, 논란의 여지를 없애고 새로운 관심을 끌며 다시한번 인기를 누리고 있다.

공감하시네 논란

“공감하시네”의 가사 중 일부는 여성 혐오 논란을 일컫는 지적을 받았다. 이 가사는 보컬 장덕이 아닌 작곡가 윤상이 작업하며, 발매 당시에는 큰 논란이 없었다. 그러나, 최근에는 이 가사의 내용이 여성 혐오적이라는 지적이 제기되며 논란을 빚고 있다.

시간을 뚫고 악보

“시간을 뚫고”는 “공감하시네”의 후속 곡으로 발매된 곡이다. 이 곡은 고요한 분위기 속에서 발라드와 팝 음악이 혼합된 곡으로 평가받고 있다. 발매 당시에도 큰 인기를 끌며, 그 이후로도 많은 이들에게 사랑받고 있다.

공감하시네 악보 G, 공감하시네 피아노 악보, 공감하시네 악보 D, 낮은곳으로 악보, 공감하시네 악보 C

“공감하시네”의 악보는 G, 피아노, D, 낮은곳으로, C 등 다양한 형태로 제공되고 있다. 이 악보는 이들 악기에 맞게 재구성되어 있다.

공감하시네 영어 가사

“공감하시네”의 가사는 ‘Timeless’ 라고 불리는 영어 가사 버전도 제공되고 있다. 이 가사는 전 세계적으로 인기를 끄는 노래로, 대한민국의 음악계를 넘어 국제적으로도 유명한 곡 중 하나이다.


Q. “공감하시네”의 악보는 어디에서 구할 수 있나요?
A. “공감하시네”의 악보는 악기별로 다양한 온라인 서점에서 구매 가능합니다.

Q. “공감하시네”의 작곡가는 누구인가요?
A. “공감하시네”는 대한민국의 대표 작곡가 중 한 명인 윤상이 작업한 곡입니다.

Q. “공감하시네”에 대한 일부 가사가 여성 혐오적이라는 지적이 제기되었다는데, 이에 대한 대처 방식은 무엇인가요?
A. 최근에는 여성 혐오적인 내용을 수정한 영어 가사 버전인 “Timeless”가 제공되고 있습니다.

Q. “공감하시네”의 예술성은 어떤 면에서 높다고 평가됩니까?
A. “공감하시네”는 부드러운 선율과 가사, 그리고 인간의 감성을 충분히 담아낸 곡으로, 고요한 밤에 듣기 좋은 음악 중 하나로 평가받고 있습니다.

Q. “공감하시네”의 연주 방법은 어떤 방식이 가장 적합한가요?
A. “공감하시네”는 감성적인 면이 강조된 곡으로, 연주 시 감성적인 느낌을 최우선으로 고려하는 것이 좋습니다. 피아노 연주 시에는 섬세하고 부드러운 연주를 추천하며, 보컬 연주 시에는 감성적인 가사의 뉘앙스를 정확히 전달할 수 있도록 신경써야 합니다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 공감하시네 악보 공감하시네 논란, 시간을 뚫고 악보, 공감하시네 악보 g, 공감하시네 피아노 악보, 공감하시네 악보 d, 낮은곳으로 악보, 공감하시네 악보 c, 공감하시네 영어 가사

Categories: Top 26 공감하시네 악보

[악보&찬양] ‘공감하시네’ (김강현 曲, 어노인팅)

여기에서 자세히 보기:

공감하시네 논란

공감하시네(Gongamhasine) is a popular Korean phrase which means “I understand/empathize with you.” It is commonly used in daily conversations between friends, acquaintances, and even strangers as a form of emotional support and encouragement. However, the phrase has recently sparked controversy after a video of a conservative politician using it during a heated political debate went viral on social media.

The politician in question, Yoon Seok-youl, who is a former prosecutor running for the presidency, was engaged in a debate with a progressive politician over issues related to national security and North Korea. During the debate, Yoon used the phrase “공감하시네” in a sarcastic tone, implying that his opponent’s views were misguided and lacked understanding of the real situation.

This incident quickly became a hot topic of discussion among netizens and the media, with many criticizing Yoon for his disrespectful behavior and misuse of the phrase. While some defended Yoon’s right to express his opinion, others pointed out that his tone and choice of words were inappropriate and did not reflect the decorum expected of a presidential candidate.

The controversy surrounding “공감하시네” highlights the complex and often fraught nature of communication in Korean society, where respect for hierarchical structures and social norms is highly valued. In this article, we will explore the origins and meanings of the phrase, its use in everyday language, and the implications of its recent misuse in political discourse.

What is the origin of the phrase “공감하시네”?

The phrase “공감하시네” is a combination of two Korean words: “공감” (gongam), meaning empathy or sympathy, and “하시네” (hasine), the honorific form of the verb “to do.” Therefore, literally translated, the phrase means “you’re doing empathy/sympathy.”

The use of honorifics in the Korean language is deeply embedded in the culture and reflects the importance placed on showing respect to others, especially those in positions of authority or older than oneself. Therefore, the use of “하시네” after “공감” elevates the phrase to a higher level of politeness and deference.

How is “공감하시네” used in everyday language?

As mentioned earlier, “공감하시네” is a common phrase used in everyday language as a form of emotional support and encouragement. It is often used to express understanding and sympathy towards someone who is experiencing difficulty or going through a tough time. For example, if a friend tells you about their recent breakup, you might say “공감하시네” to show that you understand their pain and are there for them.

The phrase can also be used in a more lighthearted and playful way. For instance, if a friend tells you about a funny incident that happened to them, you might respond by saying “공감하시네” to show that you can relate to their experience and find it amusing.

However, the recent controversy over the misuse of the phrase shows that it can also be used in a negative and sarcastic way, as was the case with Yoon Seok-youl’s comments during the political debate.

What are the implications of the recent controversy?

The misuse of “공감하시네” by Yoon Seok-youl and the subsequent backlash against him highlight the importance of language and communication in politics and society as a whole. In Korean culture, respect for authority and the social hierarchy is deeply ingrained, and language plays a crucial role in maintaining these hierarchies. Adjusting one’s tone and speech style depending on the context and the person being addressed is seen as a sign of respect and good manners.

However, the use of “공감하시네” in a sarcastic and disrespectful way by a presidential candidate goes against these norms and can be seen as a breach of etiquette and decorum. It also reflects the larger cultural divide in Korean society between conservative and progressive ideologies and the tension between the two camps.

The controversy has sparked a debate on social media and the internet, with many criticizing Yoon’s behavior and calling for him to apologize. Others have defended him, arguing that he has the right to express his opinion and that his comments were not intended to be disrespectful.


Q. Is “공감하시네” only used in Korean language?

A. Yes, “공감하시네” is a Korean phrase and is used only in the Korean language.

Q. What does “공감하시네” mean?

A. “공감하시네” is a phrase that means “I understand/empathize with you” in Korean.

Q. Can “공감하시네” be used in a negative way?

A. Yes, the recent controversy over the misuse of the phrase by a politician shows that it can be used in a negative and sarcastic way.

Q. What is the significance of honorifics in the Korean language?

A. Honorifics are an important aspect of the Korean language and reflect the culture’s emphasis on showing respect to others, especially those in positions of authority or older than oneself.

Q. What does the controversy over “공감하시네” reveal about Korean society?

A. The controversy highlights the importance of language and communication in Korean society, particularly in politics, where respect for authority and social hierarchy is highly valued. It also reflects the larger cultural divide between conservative and progressive ideologies in Korean society.

시간을 뚫고 악보

“시간을 뚫고 악보” is a term that has gained popularity in recent years, especially in the music industry. It refers to the process of transcribing and arranging music from a specific time period into modern notation. In this article, we will explore the history of “시간을 뚫고 악보” and answer some frequently asked questions about it.

The origins of “시간을 뚫고 악보” can be traced back to the early 20th century when Korea was under Japanese occupation. During this time, many traditional Korean music forms were suppressed, and the use of western music notation became more prevalent. This adoption of western notation gave rise to the need for transcribing traditional Korean music into modern notation.

In the 1960s and 1970s, a group of musicians in Korea began to utilize the technique of “시간을 뚫고 악보” to transcribe and arrange traditional Korean folk songs and court music into modern notation. The pioneers of this movement were composers such as Kim Ju-ok, Lee Jeong-suk, and Lee Young-hoon. They used existing recordings of traditional Korean music, as well as information from cultural heritage institutions, to reconstruct the music into a form that could be easily played and shared with modern audiences.

One of the most notable examples of “시간을 뚫고 악보” is the work of Kim Ju-ok, who is considered the “father” of Korean folk song transcriptions. His work on “Arirang” (a traditional Korean folk song) is particularly noteworthy. Kim’s version of “Arirang” has become a beloved piece of music in Korea and is often played at celebrations and events throughout the country.

Another important figure in the “시간을 뚫고 악보” movement was Lee Jeong-suk. Lee was a composer and musicologist who dedicated much of her life to transcribing and preserving Korean court music. Her efforts resulted in the publication of over 500 pages of transcribed court music, which has since become a vital resource for anyone interested in studying traditional Korean music.

Today, “시간을 뚫고 악보” continues to be an important part of Korean music culture. Many musicians and composers continue to use this technique to preserve and promote traditional Korean music. In fact, there are now organizations such as the Korean Traditional Music Institute that are dedicated to the transcribing and arranging of traditional Korean music using modern notation.


Q: What is the process of “시간을 뚫고 악보?”
A: The process of “시간을 뚫고 악보” involves transcribing traditional Korean music into modern notation. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, as traditional Korean music often uses a different form of notation. Musicologists and composers will often use existing recordings of traditional Korean music as well as information from cultural heritage institutions to reconstruct the music into a form that can be played and shared with modern audiences.

Q: Why is “시간을 뚫고 악보” important?
A: “시간을 뚫고 악보” is important because it allows traditional Korean music to be shared and enjoyed by modern audiences. Without this process, much of Korea’s rich musical heritage would be lost to history. Additionally, the process of “시간을 뚫고 악보” helps to promote cultural understanding and exchange, as it allows people from different parts of the world to experience and appreciate traditional Korean music.

Q: Who are some notable figures in “시간을 뚫고 악보?”
A: Kim Ju-ok and Lee Jeong-suk are two important figures in the “시간을 뚫고 악보” movement. Kim Ju-ok is considered the “father” of Korean folk song transcriptions and is particularly known for his work on “Arirang.” Lee Jeong-suk is a composer and musicologist who dedicated much of her life to transcribing and preserving Korean court music.

Q: Can anyone learn how to do “시간을 뚫고 악보?”
A: Learning how to do “시간을 뚫고 악보” requires a deep understanding of both traditional Korean music and modern notation. While anyone can learn the basics of transcribing and arranging music, it takes a great deal of skill and experience to be able to accurately and effectively transcribe traditional Korean music. It is often best left to trained musicologists and composers.

In conclusion, “시간을 뚫고 악보” is an important technique in the preservation and promotion of traditional Korean music. It allows us to appreciate and enjoy the rich musical heritage of Korea and promotes cultural understanding and exchange. While the process of transcribing and arranging traditional Korean music may be complex and time-consuming, its importance cannot be overstated.

공감하시네 악보 g

공감하시네 악보 G is a Korean term that translates to “Empathize Sheet Music G” in English. This term refers to sheet music that is specifically designed to help musicians empathize with their audience and convey emotions through their music. In this article, we will discuss the importance of 공감하시네 악보 G in Korean music, its features and characteristics, and some frequently asked questions about the topic.

Importance of 공감하시네 악보 G in Korean Music:

Korean music is known for its emotive and expressive nature. It is not only about hitting the right notes, but it is also about conveying the mood and emotions of the performance through the music. Korean music is deeply rooted in the country’s history and culture, and as such, it is essential to understand the emotions behind the music to appreciate it fully.

This is where 공감하시네 악보 G comes in. It is a way for musicians to understand the emotions that they want to convey through their music and to connect with their audience on a deeper level. 공감하시네 악보 G encourages musicians to think beyond just hitting the right notes and to understand the context and emotions behind the music.

Features and Characteristics of 공감하시네 악보 G:

공감하시네 악보 G has several unique features and characteristics that set it apart from traditional sheet music. Here are some of the key features of this type of sheet music:

1. Emphasizes Emotion – The primary focus of 공감하시네 악보 G is on emotion. It is designed to help musicians understand the emotional context behind the music and to convey those emotions through their playing.

2. Uses Symbols – 공감하시네 악보 G uses a variety of symbols to indicate different emotions and feelings. These symbols help musicians understand the emotions they should be conveying while playing and allow them to adjust their playing style accordingly.

3. Variable Tempo – Unlike traditional sheet music, which has a fixed tempo, 공감하시네 악보 G has a variable tempo. This allows musicians to adjust the tempo of their playing based on the emotions they are trying to convey.

4. Improvisation Friendly – 공감하시네 악보 G is designed to be improvisation-friendly. It encourages musicians to experiment with different playing styles and to improvise freely, as long as they are still conveying the intended emotions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about 공감하시네 악보 G:

1. How is 공감하시네 악보 G different from traditional sheet music?

공감하시네 악보 G is different from traditional sheet music in several ways. It emphasizes emotion over technical accuracy, uses symbols to indicate emotions, has a variable tempo, and is improvisation-friendly.

2. Who can use 공감하시네 악보 G?

Anyone who wants to convey emotions through their music can use 공감하시네 악보 G. It is particularly popular among Korean musicians, but it can be used by musicians of any genre.

3. Do I need to be fluent in Korean to understand 공감하시네 악보 G?

While it certainly helps to have some knowledge of Korean, it is not necessary to be fluent in the language to understand 공감하시네 악보 G. The symbols used in this type of sheet music are universal and can be understood by musicians of any language.

4. Is 공감하시네 악보 G suitable for beginners?

Yes, 공감하시네 악보 G is suitable for beginners. In fact, it can be a great way for beginners to learn how to convey emotions through their playing and to get a deeper understanding of the music they are playing.

5. Can 공감하시네 악보 G be used for any type of music?

While 공감하시네 악보 G is most commonly used in Korean music, it can be used for any type of music. The symbols and concepts behind this type of sheet music are universal and can be applied to any genre.


공감하시네 악보 G is an essential part of Korean music and is an excellent tool for musicians who want to convey emotions through their playing. It is designed to help musicians understand the emotions behind the music and to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced musician, 공감하시네 악보 G can be a great tool to add to your arsenal.

주제와 관련된 이미지 공감하시네 악보

[악보&찬양]  '공감하시네'  (김강현 曲, 어노인팅)
[악보&찬양] ‘공감하시네’ (김강현 曲, 어노인팅)

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공감하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 : 하모니엘
공감하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 : 하모니엘
Welove 공감하시네 피아노 악보
Welove 공감하시네 피아노 악보
악보 > 김강현 – 공감하시네 (가로 악보) By 제이노트피아노” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > 김강현 – 공감하시네 (가로 악보) by 제이노트피아노”><figcaption>악보 > 김강현 – 공감하시네 (가로 악보) By 제이노트피아노</figcaption></figure>
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공감하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 : 하모니엘
공감하시네 D,E + Intro - Welove : 네이버 블로그
공감하시네 D,E + Intro – Welove : 네이버 블로그
악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 By Lalla Music 랄라뮤직” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > WELOVE (위러브) – 공감하시네 by LaLLa Music 랄라뮤직”><figcaption>악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 By Lalla Music 랄라뮤직</figcaption></figure>
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Ccm추천 We Love 공감하시네 악보 3종류 : 네이버 블로그
[악보&찬양] '공감하시네' (김강현 曲, 어노인팅) - Youtube
[악보&찬양] ‘공감하시네’ (김강현 曲, 어노인팅) – Youtube
공감하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 D Key : 하모니엘
공감하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 D Key : 하모니엘
Welove 위러브] 공감하시네 베이스 커버 Bass Cover (+Original Ver. Tab 악보) - Youtube
Welove 위러브] 공감하시네 베이스 커버 Bass Cover (+Original Ver. Tab 악보) – Youtube
Welove - 공감하시네(Bass) 악보 By Sweet Bass
Welove – 공감하시네(Bass) 악보 By Sweet Bass
Ccm 찬양) 공감하시네 (Welove) / God, He Shares Our Pain / 핑거스타일 쉬운기타타브악보 /  Finger-Style Guitar Tab - Youtube
Ccm 찬양) 공감하시네 (Welove) / God, He Shares Our Pain / 핑거스타일 쉬운기타타브악보 / Finger-Style Guitar Tab – Youtube
Ccm 반주] 공감하시네 (위러브/Welove-김강현 사,곡) - 건반 연주: 서은주 : 네이버 블로그
Ccm 반주] 공감하시네 (위러브/Welove-김강현 사,곡) – 건반 연주: 서은주 : 네이버 블로그
쉬운기타타브악보 - 공감하시네 (Welove) Sheets By Daniel K.
쉬운기타타브악보 – 공감하시네 (Welove) Sheets By Daniel K.
Ccm 반주법] 공감하시네 피아노&악보 Welove - Youtube
Ccm 반주법] 공감하시네 피아노&악보 Welove – Youtube
공감하시네 - Welove : 악보다모아 Akbodamoa
공감하시네 – Welove : 악보다모아 Akbodamoa
악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (E Key, 반주악보) By 어메이징피아노(아름드리)” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > WELOVE (위러브) – 공감하시네 (E key, 반주악보) by 어메이징피아노(아름드리)”><figcaption>악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (E Key, 반주악보) By 어메이징피아노(아름드리)</figcaption></figure>
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Welove – 공감하시네 일렉 Cover / Tab악보 – Youtube
김강현 - 공감하시네 (E Key 멜로디악보) Sheets By 생명의건반
김강현 – 공감하시네 (E Key 멜로디악보) Sheets By 생명의건반
공감하시네 - Welove : 악보다모아 Akbodamoa
공감하시네 – Welove : 악보다모아 Akbodamoa
공감하시네 (Ccm) 해 좋구만 :: 검색
공감하시네 (Ccm) 해 좋구만 :: 검색
악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 + 주 없이 살 수 없네 (피아노 3단, 여자 Key) By 러빔피아노” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > WELOVE (위러브) – 공감하시네 + 주 없이 살 수 없네 (피아노 3단, 여자 key) by 러빔피아노”><figcaption>악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 + 주 없이 살 수 없네 (피아노 3단, 여자 Key) By 러빔피아노</figcaption></figure>
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공감하시네 – Welove : 악보다모아 Akbodamoa
김강현 - 공감하시네 (E Key) 악보 By 생명의건반
김강현 – 공감하시네 (E Key) 악보 By 생명의건반
마음만은 피아니스트
마음만은 피아니스트
공감하시네 악보 - 시보드
공감하시네 악보 – 시보드
Tab악보] 공감하시네 - Welove(God He Share Our Pain) - Youtube
Tab악보] 공감하시네 – Welove(God He Share Our Pain) – Youtube
김강현 - 공감하시네 (E Key) 악보 By 생명의건반
김강현 – 공감하시네 (E Key) 악보 By 생명의건반
주가 일하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 : 하모니엘
주가 일하시네(여성2부+피아노)악보 : 하모니엘
[공감하시네]Welove - 드럼(연주,악보,드럼커버,Drum Cover,듣기):At The Drum
[공감하시네]Welove – 드럼(연주,악보,드럼커버,Drum Cover,듣기):At The Drum
J_베이스기타 자료공유 | Band
J_베이스기타 자료공유 | Band
Welove (위러브) - 공감하시네 (Piano Cover) Sheets By Samuel Park
Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (Piano Cover) Sheets By Samuel Park
악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 + 주 없이 살 수 없네 (원키) By 러빔피아노” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > WELOVE (위러브) – 공감하시네 + 주 없이 살 수 없네 (원키) by 러빔피아노”><figcaption>악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 + 주 없이 살 수 없네 (원키) By 러빔피아노</figcaption></figure>
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Ccm 반주법 ] 공감하시네 Welove 피아노 & 악보 : 네이버 블로그
Welove '공감하시네' 악보 계이름 (쉬운악보) - Youtube
Welove ‘공감하시네’ 악보 계이름 (쉬운악보) – Youtube
노래/가사/악보] Welove - 공감하시네 (God, He Shares Our Pain)
노래/가사/악보] Welove – 공감하시네 (God, He Shares Our Pain)
재건부평교회 :: '경배와 찬양' 카테고리의 글 목록 | 악보, 성경 공부, 무료 악보
재건부평교회 :: ‘경배와 찬양’ 카테고리의 글 목록 | 악보, 성경 공부, 무료 악보
공감하시네 Mp3
공감하시네 Mp3
Welove 악보 {Motwr29}
Welove 악보 {Motwr29}
예배 반주를 위한 쉬운 악보 | 공감하시네 God, He Shares Our Pain | By Lalla - Youtube
예배 반주를 위한 쉬운 악보 | 공감하시네 God, He Shares Our Pain | By Lalla – Youtube
악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (피아노 2단) By Ys Music” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > WELOVE (위러브) – 공감하시네 (피아노 2단) by YS MUSIC”><figcaption>악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (피아노 2단) By Ys Music</figcaption></figure>
<figure><img decoding=
악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (피아노 2단) By Ys Music” style=”width:100%” title=”악보 > WELOVE (위러브) – 공감하시네 (피아노 2단) by YS MUSIC”><figcaption>악보 > Welove (위러브) – 공감하시네 (피아노 2단) By Ys Music</figcaption></figure>
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주가 일하시네(혼성3부+피아노)악보 : 하모니엘
공감하시네 Mp3
공감하시네 Mp3

Article link: 공감하시네 악보.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 공감하시네 악보.


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