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[CTR] 곰 샤부 샤부 – 찐맛 그대로, 완벽한 레시피! 클릭해보세요!

🇯🇵도쿄일상 | 일본여행때 꼭 오세요🐻 시부야맛집 | 곰돌이샤브샤브

곰 샤부 샤부

곰샤브샤브, 혹은 곰 샤부 샤부는 전통적인 한국요리 중 하나로, 안동지방의 대표적인 음식 중 하나이다. 이 요리는 생고기를 끓이는 것이 아닌, 샤브샤브의 방식으로 고기와 채소를 끓여서 먹는 요리이다. 이 방식은 고기의 영양소를 최대한 보존하는 방법이며, 건강에도 좋은 식사로 손꼽힌다. 이번 문서에서는 곰샤브샤브에 대해 알아보자.

곰샤브샤브란 무엇인가?

곰샤브샤브는 생고기를 샤브샤브 방식으로 끓여서 먹는 요리이다. 이 방식은 양념을 별도로 함께 제공하며, 손님들이 찍어먹으면서 드시는 방식이다. 곰샤브샤브는 안동지방의 대표적인 음식으로 손꼽힌다.

곰샤브샤브의 유래

곰샤브샤브의 유래는 역사와 관련이 깊다. 예로부터 안동 지역의 부윤층들은 동물주의자들로 인해서 식사를 할 때는 생고기를 끓이는 것은 금기였다. 그래서 부윤층들은 끓인 물로 고기와 채소를 먹는 곰샤브샤브 방식을 개발하게 되었다.

곰샤브샤브를 먹는 방법

곰샤브샤브는 각자의 그릇에 적당한 양의 면을 담아주고, 곰고기와 채소, 그리고 면을 끓인 냄비에 차례로 넣어 끓여준다. 각자의 그릇에 소스를 넣고, 끓은 곰소(곰고기)와 채소, 면을 소스에 찍어서 먹는다.

곰샤브샤브의 영양가와 효능

곰샤브샤브는 고기의 단백질과 채소의 섬유질, 미네랄 등을 보존하면서 끓여 먹는 방식이기 때문에 영양가가 높다. 특히 고기에서 나오는 칼슘과 철분은 효과적으로 눌러서 먹는 과정에서 손상을 받지 않기 때문에 더욱 풍부하게 섭취할 수 있다.

곰샤브샤브는 체내독소를 제거하고, 면역을 강화하는 덴드로그린 셀이 많이 포함되어 있어서 건강에도 좋다. 또한 불포화 지방산이 풍부하게 들어있어 피부와 눈 건강에도 좋다.

곰샤브샤브의 대체 가능한 식재료

곰샤브샤브의 대체 가능한 식재료로는 한우, 삼겹살, 돼지고기, 토종닭, 해물 등이 있다. 고기와 채소의 종류도 각자의 취향에 따라 다양하게 선택할 수 있으며, 대체할 수 있는 재료도 다양하다.

곰샤브샤브의 다양한 레시피

곰샤브샤브는 다양한 재료를 사용해 만드는게 가능하다. 이에 따라 매움에 따른 카레 샤브샤브, 면종이와 국수젖에 산적이 마무리된채로 나오는 면기름 올린 면 샤브샤브 등이 있다.

곰샤브샤브의 문화적 의미

곰샤브샤브는 한국의 전통적인 요리 중 하나이다. 이 요리는 3대까지 지속되어 온 안동 지역의 전통적인 식습관을 엿볼 수 있는 의미가 있다.

곰샤브샤브와 동물복지, 생태계 보호의 연관성

한국에서는 잔혹한 공장 양식 동물식용을 반대하는 바, 재래식 부산물의 소비 성장을 지지한다. 각종 수입육 대신 국산육을 사용하는 것이 친환경적이기 때문이다. 이와 마찬가지로 곰샤브샤브 또한 한국의 재래식 부산물 중 하나로, 생산 과정에서 현지산 물건들을 사용해 환경보호와 동물복지 규제에도 맞는 것으로 감히 말할 수 있다. 또한 생산자와 소비자 간의 직접적인 접점을 유도한다.

FAQs (자주 묻는 질문)

곰샤브샤브는 어디에서 먹을 수 있나요?

곰샤브샤브는 한국의 다양한 지역에서 먹을 수 있다. 대표적으로는 안동, 서울, 인천 등이 있다.

곰샤브샤브 가격은 얼마인가요?

곰샤브샤브 가격은 맛집에 따라 다양한다. 1인당 10,000원~30,000원정도에서 즐길 수 있다.

곰샤브샤브 메뉴는 어떤 것이 있나요?

대표적인 곰샤브샤브 메뉴는 평양 고기집, 구이구이 등이 있다.

아틀란타와 둘루스에서는 곰샤브샤브를 먹을 수 있나요?

아틀란타와 둘루스에도 곰샤브샤브를 먹을 수 있는 맛집이 존재한다.

구이구이 샤브샤브의 둘루스 가격

구이구이 샤브샤브의 둘루스 가격은 1인당 15,000원~30,000원이다.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 곰 샤부 샤부 곰샤브샤브 가격, 곰 샤브샤브 메뉴, 아틀란타 샤브샤브, 곰샤브샤브 둘루스, 구이구이 샤브샤브 둘루스 가격

Categories: Top 48 곰 샤부 샤부

🇯🇵도쿄일상 | 일본여행때 꼭 오세요🐻 시부야맛집 | 곰돌이샤브샤브

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곰샤브샤브 가격

곰샤브샤브 가격(Gom Shabu Shabu prices) is a topic that has become increasingly important in recent years. You might be wondering what is 곰샤브샤브(Gom Shabu Shabu) and why has it become so popular? In this article, we will answer these questions, explore the history of this delicious dish, and check out the current prices of 곰샤브샤브 in Korea.

What is 곰샤브샤브?

곰샤브샤브 is a Korean hot pot dish that has been gaining popularity in recent years. The dish is similar to shabu-shabu, a Japanese hot pot dish, but with a Korean twist. The name stems from the sound of the ingredients being swished around in the pot – “gom gom” and “shabu shabu”.

The dish is cooked on a hot plate at the center of the table and is made up of finely sliced beef, tofu, mushrooms, and vegetables. The ingredients are then dipped in a boiling broth before being eaten. The broth typically contains a variety of spices and ingredients that can vary based on the restaurant and region.

History of 곰샤브샤브

Like many Korean dishes, the history of 곰샤브샤브 dates back hundreds of years. It has its roots in nabe, a Japanese hot pot dish that has been around since the 8th century.

The dish was introduced to Korea in the early 1900s by Japanese immigrants who brought their culinary traditions with them. Although it was originally a Japanese dish, it has been adapted over time to suit Korean tastes and ingredients.

Today, 곰샤브샤브 is a popular dish in Korea, with many restaurants specializing in the dish.

곰샤브샤브 Prices in Korea

The prices of 곰샤브샤브 in Korea can vary depending on the restaurant and location. Here are some examples of the prices of 곰샤브샤브 in Seoul.

• Luxury Restaurant: 80,000 KRW (approx. 68 USD) per person
• Mid-range Restaurant: 40,000 KRW (approx. 34 USD) per person
• Budget Restaurant: 20,000 KRW (approx. 17 USD) per person

It is important to keep in mind that prices can differ depending on the quality of the ingredients and the level of service provided. Additionally, some restaurants may charge extra fees for additional items, such as noodles or alcoholic beverages.

FAQs about 곰샤브샤브

Q: What is the best broth for 곰샤브샤브?
A: The best broth for 곰샤브샤브 largely depends on your preference. Some popular options include beef broth, mushroom broth, and spicy broth.

Q: What dipping sauces are typically used with 곰샤브샤브?
A: The most common dipping sauces for 곰샤브샤브 are sesame oil with salt and pepper, and a soy sauce-based sauce that can be mixed with garlic, green onions, or chili peppers.

Q: Is 곰샤브샤브 gluten-free?
A: 곰샤브샤브 can be gluten-free if the broth and dipping sauces are made without wheat-based ingredients. However, it is important to check with the restaurant before ordering to confirm what ingredients are used.

Q: Can 곰샤브샤브 be made vegetarian or vegan?
A: Yes, 곰샤브샤브 can be made vegetarian or vegan by using vegetable broth and omitting the meat. It is important to confirm with the restaurant what options are available.

Q: Is 곰샤브샤브 healthy?
A: 곰샤브샤브 can be a healthy meal option if made with fresh ingredients and a low-sodium broth. However, it is important to exercise moderation and be mindful of portion sizes when consuming hot pot dishes.

In conclusion, 곰샤브샤브 is a popular and delicious hot pot dish that has its roots in Japanese culinary traditions. It has been adapted over time to suit Korean tastes and ingredients. The prices of 곰샤브샤브 in Korea can vary based on the quality of the ingredients and the level of service provided. It is important to check with the restaurant beforehand for any extra fees or additional items. With dipping sauces such as sesame oil with salt and pepper or soy sauce-based sauces, whether you’re at a luxury restaurant, mid-range, or budget level, enjoying 곰샤브샤브 is an experience that can be modified according to your individual dietary preferences. With the helpful FAQs provided, you are ready to dine in for some delicious hot pot.

곰 샤브샤브 메뉴

곰 샤브샤브, also known as bear hot pot, is a popular Korean dish that is perfect for the cold winter months. It is a type of hot pot that is filled with various meats, vegetables, and seafood, all cooked in a savory broth. This dish is gaining popularity not only in Korea but also in other parts of the world. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the 곰 샤브샤브 menu, its history, ingredients, and recipe.

History of 곰 샤브샤브

The history of 곰 샤브샤브 dates back to the Joseon Dynasty in Korea. It was a dish that was commonly served during special occasions and celebrations. The name 곰 샤브샤브 literally translates to “bear hot pot” because the original recipe called for bear meat. However, due to animal rights and conservation laws, bear meat is no longer used in the dish.

Nowadays, the dish is made with various meats such as beef, pork, and chicken, along with a variety of vegetables and seafood. The broth is usually made with anchovies, kelp, and other seasonings. The dish is served with a variety of dipping sauces such as sesame oil and salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and spicy chili pepper paste.


The ingredients for 곰 샤브샤브 can vary depending on personal preference and availability. The common ingredients used in this dish are:

– Meat: Beef, pork, and chicken are the most popular choices for 곰 샤브샤브. The meat should be sliced thinly for easy cooking and should be of good quality to ensure the best flavor.

– Vegetables: Napa cabbage, carrots, scallions, mushrooms, onions, and garlic are commonly used vegetables in 곰 샤브샤브. These vegetables add depth and flavor to the broth as they simmer in it.

– Seafood: Shrimp, clams, oysters, and scallops are great additions to 곰 샤브샤브. It adds a nice seafood flavor to the broth and seafood lovers can enjoy it with the meats and vegetables.

– Broth: The broth is the soul of the dish. A flavorful broth is essential to make a delicious 곰 샤브샤브. Anchovies, kelp, mushrooms, garlic, and other seasonings are used to make the broth.


Here is a simple recipe for 곰 샤브샤브 for those who want to experience the dish at home:


– 1 pound of thinly sliced beef or pork

– 1 head of Napa cabbage, sliced into 2-inch pieces

– 2 carrots, sliced

– 2 scallions, chopped

– 1 onion, sliced

– 4 garlic cloves, minced

– 4 cups of water

– 1 cup of dried anchovies

– 4-5 sheets of dried kelp

– Salt and pepper to taste

– 2-3 tablespoons of dipping sauce (soy sauce, vinegar, chili pepper paste, etc.)


1. In a large pot, add water, anchovies, and kelp. Bring it to a boil and then let it simmer for about 20 minutes.

2. Remove the anchovies and kelp from the broth and discard.

3. Add the sliced meats, vegetables, and garlic to the broth.

4. Bring it to a boil and then let it simmer until the meat and vegetables are cooked through.

5. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

6. Serve hot with dipping sauces of your choice.


1. Is 곰 샤브샤브 a healthy dish?

Yes, it is considered a healthy dish because it is low in fat, high in protein, and filled with vegetables. The broth is made with natural ingredients, not artificial flavors or preservatives. However, if you are watching your sodium intake, you should be aware that the broth can be high in sodium.

2. Can I use other types of seafood in 곰 샤브샤브?

Yes, you can add any type of seafood you like to 곰 샤브샤브. However, it is important to note that seafood cooks faster than meat and vegetables, so you should add it towards the end of the cooking time.

3. Can I use other types of broth besides the anchovy and kelp broth?

Yes, you can use any type of broth you like for 곰 샤브샤브. However, the anchovy and kelp broth is the traditional broth used for this dish and it adds a unique flavor to it.

4. Can I use other types of meat besides beef, pork, and chicken?

Yes, you can use other meats such as lamb, duck, or even tofu if you prefer. The key is to slice the meat thinly so it cooks quickly in the broth.

In conclusion, 곰 샤브샤브 is a delicious and healthy dish that is perfect for cold, winter days. It is a dish that has a rich history in Korean cuisine and can be enjoyed by anyone, anywhere in the world. The dish is versatile and can be customized to personal preference, making it a great addition to any meal. Give it a try and enjoy the warm and savory flavors of 곰 샤브샤브.

아틀란타 샤브샤브

아틀란타 샤브샤브 is a popular Korean dish that has been gaining popularity worldwide in recent years. It is a simple hotpot soup made by boiling various meat, vegetables, and tofu in a savory broth. The dish is particularly popular during colder months and is enjoyed by many as a comforting and warming meal.

The origins of 샤브샤브 date back to the late 1800s and early 1900s in Japan, where it was originally called ‘shabu-shabu’. The dish was introduced to Korea in the 1960s and has since become a common dish in Korean cuisine. 아틀란타 샤브샤브 is a perfect example of how Korean cuisine has integrated and transformed a Japanese dish into something unique and flavorful.

What makes 아틀란타 샤브샤브 different from traditional 샤브샤브 is the use of Korean-style broth, which often includes beef bone broth, soybean paste, and a combination of dried anchovies and kelp. The broth is simmered for several hours, giving it a rich and deeply layered flavor. The soup is served with a variety of thinly sliced meats, such as beef, pork, and chicken, as well as vegetables like mushrooms, onions, and cabbage.

One of the reasons why 아틀란타 샤브샤브 is so popular is the communal aspect of the dish. Typically, the hotpot soup is served in the middle of the table, and everyone gathers around to cook and eat together. It’s a fantastic way to bring people together and enjoy a meal while also keeping warm in the colder months.

Another reason for the dish’s popularity is the range of options that it provides. With a variety of meats, vegetables, and dipping sauces, each person can customize their own meal to their liking. Many Korean restaurants that specialize in 샤브샤브 offer all-you-can-eat options, which is great for families or larger groups.

The traditional way to eat 샤브샤브 is to dip the meat and vegetables into different sauces, such as sesame oil and soy sauce. The meat is usually cooked for a few seconds until it is lightly cooked and is then dipped into the sauce before being eaten. The vegetables are usually cooked a bit longer and are often eaten as a side dish throughout the meal.

If you’re interested in trying 아틀란타 샤브샤브 for the first time, there are a few things you should know. Firstly, it’s essential to choose a good quality broth. The broth is the foundation of the dish, so it’s important to choose one that is flavorful and rich. Many Korean restaurants offer their own special broth recipe, so be sure to ask what they use.

Secondly, the meat should be thinly sliced. This is important because the meat will cook quickly in the hotpot soup. Having thin slices ensures that the meat cooks evenly and quickly, making for a better tasting meal. Meat options can vary by the restaurant, but common choices include beef, pork, and chicken.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to experiment with different dipping sauces. Soy sauce and sesame oil are popular options, but there are many other options to try, including chili peppers, vinegar, and even peanut butter.


Q: Is 아틀란타 샤브샤브 spicy?
A: It can be if you choose to use spicy dipping sauces or include spicy peppers in the broth. However, it’s not inherently spicy and can be enjoyed without any heat.

Q: Is 아틀란타 샤브샤브 healthy?
A: Yes, 샤브샤브 can be a healthy meal option as it includes a lot of vegetables and lean meats. However, it can also be high in sodium if too much of the dipping sauce is used.

Q: What is the best meat to use for 아틀란타 샤브샤브?
A: This can vary by personal preference, but popular options include beef, pork, and chicken.

Q: Is 아틀란타 샤브샤브 vegetarian-friendly?
A: Yes, it can be. Many restaurants that serve 샤브샤브 offer vegetarian options, which include a variety of vegetables and tofu.

Q: Can 아틀란타 샤브샤브 be spicy?
A: Yes, it can be. Depending on the dipping sauces used, it can range from mild to spicy.

Q: Can I make 아틀란타 샤브샤브 at home?
A: Yes, you can! There are many recipes available online, and the ingredients are widely available at most grocery stores.

In conclusion, 아틀란타 샤브샤브 is a savory and communal dish that is perfect for colder months and bringing people together. With its customizable options and range of dipping sauces, it’s no wonder why it’s become so popular worldwide. If you’re looking for a comforting and warming meal, give 아틀란타 샤브샤브 a try at a Korean restaurant or cook it from the comfort of your own home.

주제와 관련된 이미지 곰 샤부 샤부

🇯🇵도쿄일상 | 일본여행때 꼭 오세요🐻 시부야맛집 | 곰돌이샤브샤브
🇯🇵도쿄일상 | 일본여행때 꼭 오세요🐻 시부야맛집 | 곰돌이샤브샤브

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아틀란타여행/곰샤브샤브/맛집/레지던스인/아틀란타호텔/에이치마트/명랑핫도그 : 네이버 블로그
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애틀랜타 가을날씨에 스와니 동네 샤브집 소고기+해물+버섯+야채+죽+칼국수 다먹어 보기 - Youtube
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Article link: 곰 샤부 샤부.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 곰 샤부 샤부.


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