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Trang chủ » 곱창집 메뉴 소개 – 먹고 싶은 곱창 맛집 메뉴 Top 5!

곱창집 메뉴 소개 – 먹고 싶은 곱창 맛집 메뉴 Top 5!

สาวกเกาหลีต้องมาลองไส้ย่างที่ร้าน Gopchang House | แปปเดียวเดี๋ยวมา พาไปกิน ep.13

곱창집 gopchang house menu

곱창집 메뉴란?

곱창집은 한국의 대표적인 음식 중 하나인 곱창을 전문으로 취급하는 음식점입니다. 곱창이란 소의 위장 내부에서 만들어진 음식으로, 소의 삼겹살과 달리 조금 더 뻣뻣하면서 탄력이 있으며 특유의 향기와 맛이 있습니다. 곱창집의 주 메뉴는 곱창이지만, 다른 소의 내장이나 육류도 함께 제공됩니다.

곱창집에는 여러 종류의 메뉴가 있으며, 대표적으로 선물 셋트 메뉴, 식사 코스 메뉴, 알뜰 메뉴, 주류 메뉴, 디저트와 차 메뉴 등이 있습니다. 하나씩 살펴보겠습니다.

선물 셋트 메뉴

곱창집의 선물 셋트 메뉴는 여러 가지 종류가 있으며, 각각 다양한 내용물과 가격대를 가지고 있습니다. 주로 가족, 친구, 직장 동료 등에게 선물하기 좋은 제품으로 구성되어 있습니다. 대표적인 선물 셋트 메뉴들은 다음과 같습니다.

1. P-set: 곱창, 막창, 모듬소세지, 된장찌개, 김치, 밥, 찌개 숟가락, 먹는숟가락, 소주잔, 아이스팩.

2. G-set: 곱창, 막창, 모듬소세지, 김치, 밥, 찌개 숟가락, 먹는숟가락, 소주잔.

3. D-set: 소고기 곱창, 볶음 곱창, 곱창전골, 주물럭, 곱게찜, 나물, 밥, 고추장찌개, 된장찌개, 김치, 도톰한 숟가락, 먹는숟가락, 소주잔.

4. K-set: 곱창, 막창, 소세지, 쭈꾸미, 생맥주.

식사 코스 메뉴

식사 코스 메뉴는 1인 분 코스부터 4인 분 세트까지 다양한 사이즈로 제공됩니다. 코스에는 곱창, 막창, 모듬소세지, 나물, 밥, 찌개, 술 등이 포함되어 있습니다. 곱창집에서 제공하는 대표적인 식사 코스 메뉴는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 소란코스: 곱창, 막창, 소세지, 모닭고기, 김치볶음밥, 찌개, 밥.

2. 곱코스: 소고기 곱창전골, 모닭고기, 곱게찜, 나물, 김치, 찌개, 밥.

3. 특코스: 대패삼겹살, 닭고기, 곱게찜, 나물, 김치, 찌개, 밥.

알뜰 메뉴

알뜰 메뉴는 인기있는 메뉴들을 더 저렴한 가격으로 제공하는 메뉴입니다. 대체로 인기 있는 메뉴들로 구성되어 있으며, 주로 점심 혹은 저녁 식사 시간대에 인기가 많습니다. 대표적인 알뜰 메뉴는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 슬라이스 곱창 (Small): 4,000원

2. 모듬소세지 (Small): 6,000원

3. 곱창전골 (Small): 25,000원

주류 메뉴

주류 메뉴는 소주, 맥주, 와인 등 다양한 음료수가 제공됩니다. 일부 음료수는 메뉴에 포함되어 있는 경우도 있으며, 일부는 추가 요금을 내야 주문이 가능합니다. 대표적인 주류 메뉴는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 소주 300ml: 4,000원

2. 맥주 500ml: 5,000원

3. 와인 750ml: 35,000원

디저트와 차 메뉴

식사 후 디저트나 차 한 잔을 즐기기 좋은 메뉴입니다. 대부분 디저트는 달콤한 맛으로 구성되어 있으며, 차는 다양한 종류를 제공합니다. 대표적인 디저트와 차 메뉴는 다음과 같습니다.

1. 고구마 빈스 소다: 5,500원

2. 소주 한잔에 담백한 케이크 골라담기: 5,000원

3. 레몬차: 4,000원

주문 방법과 맛 보는 방법

주문 방법은 직접 방문해서 주문하거나, 전화나 인터넷으로 주문합니다. 인터넷에서 주문항목과 결제까지 할 수 있는 경우가 많습니다. 맛보기 방법은 가장 일반적인 먹는 방식으로 더하기 밥에 냠냠이를 존중하는 것입니다.


Q: 곱창집은 몇 시간 경영을 하나요?
A: 대부분의 곱창집은 오후 5시부터 오후 12시까지 영업합니다.

Q: 주소와 주차장은 어떻게 해결하나요?
A: 대부분의 곱창집은 도시 내에서 위치해 있으며, 무료 주차장을 마련해 놓은 곳도 있습니다.

Q: 곱창집은 어떤 자리 분배 방식을 쓰나요?
A: 대부분의 곱창집은 웨이팅 시스템을 사용합니다. 웨이팅 시스템은 대기 중인 고객들에게 번호표를 발급하여 순서대로 순회 방문하도록 하는 것입니다.

Q: 포장 주문은 가능한가요?
A: 대부분의 곱창집에서는 포장 주문을 받습니다.

Q: 곱창집에서 주문하면 어떤 혜택을 받나요?
A: 대부분 곱창집에서는 주문 고객에게 각종 혜택을 제공합니다. 이는 카드 할인, 우럭서비스 등 다양한 혜택이 있습니다.

Q: 식당 내부는 어떻게 꾸며져 있나요?
A: 대부분의 곱창집은 분위기가 좋게 꾸며져 있으며, 한국 전통문화 혹은 모던한 분위기로 꾸며져 유행에 따라 달라집니다.

Q: 주문은 어떻게 하면 되나요?
A: 대부분 온라인에서 주문이 가능하며, 전화 주문 또한 가능합니다. 전화로 주문할 때는 다양한 이벤트가 있을 수 있으므로, 유심히 살펴봐 주세요.

Q: 곱창집의 술 메뉴는 어떤 종류가 있나요?
A: 곱창집에서는 대표적인 메뉴들로 소주, 맥주, 와인, 소맥 등이 제공됩니다.

Q: 곱창에서 파생된 메뉴가 있나요?
A: 곱창집에서는 곱창을 사용한 매운탕, 냄새오는 메뉴, 육회 등 다양한 메뉴를 제공합니다.

Q: 곱창집은 몇시에 문을 닫는가요?
A: 대부분 곱창집은 10시 이전에 문을 닫는 것이 일반적입니다. 특히 골목길에 위치한 곱창집인 경우 더 일찍 문을 닫을 수도 있습니다. 따라서, 방문 전에 영업시간을 꼭 확인해 보세요!

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 곱창집 gopchang house menu Gopchang House menu, ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17, Gopchang House ราคา, gopchang house ไปยังไง, gopchang house ที่จอดรถ, Banchan deli, Gopchang House รีวิว, ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี

Categories: Top 63 곱창집 gopchang house menu

สาวกเกาหลีต้องมาลองไส้ย่างที่ร้าน Gopchang House | แปปเดียวเดี๋ยวมา พาไปกิน ep.13

여기에서 자세히 보기:

Gopchang House menu

Gopchang House, a Korean restaurant located in Los Angeles, is known for its signature dish, gopchang. Gopchang, also known as beef tripe, is a popular dish in Korean cuisine. The menu at Gopchang House offers a variety of options, including gopchang, other Korean traditional dishes, and some fusion dishes.

Gopchang House’s Menu

Gopchang House has a diverse menu with over 30 different dishes to choose from. The restaurant primarily serves Korean cuisine with a focus on grilled and stir-fried meat dishes. However, the restaurant also offers several vegetarian and seafood options. Some of the restaurant’s most popular dishes include:

1. Gopchang

Gopchang, the restaurant’s namesake dish, is made with beef tripe. The dish is marinated in a spicy sauce and grilled on a portable gas stove at the table. This dish is highly recommended for those who are looking to try something new and exciting.

2. Sundae

Sundae is a Korean-style blood sausage stuffed with soybean noodles, pork, and vegetables. The sausage is sliced and stir-fried with spicy sauce. This dish is considered a must-try for those who are looking for a unique taste.

3. Spicy Chicken

Korean-style spicy chicken is served with a side of pickled radish. The dish is made with boneless chicken thighs and stir-fried with a spicy sauce.

4. Seafood Pancake

Seafood pancake is a Korean-style savory pancake consisting of various seafood and vegetables. The pancake is served with a soy dipping sauce and is perfect for sharing.

5. Army Stew

Army stew, also known as budae jjigae, is a popular Korean dish made with spam, hot dogs, and various other ingredients. The dish is served with instant noodles and is designed to be cooked and eaten at the table.


1. Can I make a reservation at Gopchang House?

Yes, Gopchang House accepts reservations for parties of two or more.

2. What is the price range for dishes at Gopchang House?

Dishes at Gopchang House range from $10 to $40.

3. Does Gopchang House offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Gopchang House offers vegetable dishes on its menu.

4. Is there parking available at Gopchang House?

Yes, Gopchang House has a small parking lot behind the restaurant.

5. What is the atmosphere like at Gopchang House?

Gopchang House has a casual and cozy atmosphere with modern decor.

6. Does Gopchang House offer to-go orders?

Yes, Gopchang House offers to-go orders.

7. What is the best time to visit Gopchang House?

Gopchang House can get busy during peak hours, so it is recommended to make a reservation or to visit during off-peak hours.

8. Can I bring my own alcohol to Gopchang House?

No, Gopchang House does not allow outside alcohol.

9. Is Gopchang House kid-friendly?

Yes, Gopchang House is a family-friendly restaurant.

10. Does Gopchang House offer catering services?

Yes, Gopchang House offers catering services for parties and events.


Gopchang House is a must-visit for those looking to try Korean-style meat dishes. The restaurant’s unique menu and cozy atmosphere make for a memorable dining experience. The restaurant also offers vegetarian options, making it accessible to a wider audience. With a diverse menu and affordable prices, Gopchang House is a great option for casual dining.

ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17

ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 (Korean BBQ Tanjong Pagar 17) is a popular Korean restaurant located in the heart of Tanjong Pagar, Singapore. The restaurant is known for its mouth-watering Korean BBQ dishes, which have won over the hearts of many foodies in the area.

The atmosphere of the restaurant is cozy and comfortable, with dim lighting and elegant décor. The walls are adorned with beautiful Korean artwork and traditional Korean music fills the air, creating a serene and authentic ambience.

The restaurant boasts an extensive menu of Korean BBQ dishes that are cooked right in front of you on tabletop grills. One of the most popular items on the menu is the beef brisket, which is cooked to perfection and served with a side of lettuce for a healthy touch. The pork belly is also a must-try, with its crispy texture and juicy flavor.

For those who prefer chicken, the soy sauce chicken is a favorite. The chicken is marinated in a special sauce and then grilled to perfection, resulting in a tender and flavorful dish. Another highlight on the menu is the spicy octopus, which is packed with flavor and has just the right amount of heat.

Aside from the BBQ, ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 also offers a range of Korean dishes such as Japchae, Kimchi Fried Rice, and Hot and Sour Soup. To complement the Korean dishes, the restaurant also has a variety of Korean drinks, including soju, makgeolli, and Korean beer.

The service at ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 is excellent, with friendly and attentive staff who are always ready to help. The chefs are also very skilled and will cook your meat to perfection right in front of you.

Overall, if you’re looking for delicious Korean BBQ in Singapore, ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 is definitely worth a visit. With its cozy atmosphere, extensive menu, and excellent service, it’s the perfect spot for a night out with friends or a romantic dinner for two.


Q: Does ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 have vegetarian options?

A: Yes, the restaurant offers a selection of vegetarian options such as Tofu Kimchi, Japchae, and vegetable dishes cooked with Korean seasonings.

Q: Is the restaurant family-friendly?

A: Yes, the restaurant is very family-friendly, with high chairs and booster seats available for young children. The menu also offers a range of kids’ meals.

Q: Is there a dress code at ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17?

A: There is no specific dress code, but casual attire is recommended.

Q: What is the price range at the restaurant?

A: The prices at ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 are slightly higher than other Korean BBQ restaurants in the area, but the quality of the food and service make it worth it. A typical meal for two people, including BBQ dishes and drinks, would be around $60-$80.

Q: Do they take reservations?

A: Yes, reservations are recommended especially for weekend nights and peak hours. You can make a reservation through their website or by calling the restaurant directly.

Q: Is there a corkage fee if we bring our own alcohol?

A: Yes, there is a corkage fee of $30 for wine and $50 for liquor.

Q: Is the restaurant halal-certified?

A: No, ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 is not halal-certified, as they serve a variety of meats including pork.

Q: Is there parking available?

A: Parking can be quite difficult in the area, but there are several nearby parking lots available. The restaurant is also easily accessible via public transport, with the nearest MRT station being Tanjong Pagar.

In conclusion, ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 is a top choice for Korean BBQ enthusiasts in Tanjong Pagar. With its cozy and authentic Korean atmosphere, extensive menu of mouth-watering dishes, and excellent service, it’s no wonder why the restaurant has become a go-to spot for both locals and tourists. So the next time you’re craving some delicious Korean BBQ, head over to ร้านไส้ย่าง เกาหลี ทองหล่อ 17 for an unforgettable dining experience.

주제와 관련된 이미지 곱창집 gopchang house menu

สาวกเกาหลีต้องมาลองไส้ย่างที่ร้าน Gopchang House | แปปเดียวเดี๋ยวมา พาไปกิน ep.13
สาวกเกาหลีต้องมาลองไส้ย่างที่ร้าน Gopchang House | แปปเดียวเดี๋ยวมา พาไปกิน ep.13

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รีวิว] ร้าน Gopchang House/Banchan | เมนูแนะนำ รูปภาพ ราคา
รีวิว] ร้าน Gopchang House/Banchan | เมนูแนะนำ รูปภาพ ราคา
Apgujung Gopchang (압구정곱창) - Sinsa & Apgujeong Korean Bbq | Mangoplate -  Discover Local Restaurants
Apgujung Gopchang (압구정곱창) – Sinsa & Apgujeong Korean Bbq | Mangoplate – Discover Local Restaurants
구공탄곱창 - 홍대본점, 서울 - 레스토랑 리뷰 - 트립어드바이저
구공탄곱창 – 홍대본점, 서울 – 레스토랑 리뷰 – 트립어드바이저
Real Mukbang:) Gopchang Bokkeum (Pork Intestine Stir Fry) From Food Truck ☆  Instant Pho Noodle Soup - Youtube
Real Mukbang:) Gopchang Bokkeum (Pork Intestine Stir Fry) From Food Truck ☆ Instant Pho Noodle Soup – Youtube
곱창집 Gopchang House .... ร้านอาหารเกาหลีสุดปัง | Trip.Com กรุงเทพฯ
곱창집 Gopchang House …. ร้านอาหารเกาหลีสุดปัง | Trip.Com กรุงเทพฯ
Gopchang Story Bbq - Fort Lee, Nj Restaurant | Menu + Delivery | Seamless
Gopchang Story Bbq – Fort Lee, Nj Restaurant | Menu + Delivery | Seamless
รีวิว] ร้าน Gopchang House/Banchan | เมนูแนะนำ รูปภาพ ราคา
รีวิว] ร้าน Gopchang House/Banchan | เมนูแนะนำ รูปภาพ ราคา
교대곱창, 서울 - 레스토랑 리뷰 - 트립어드바이저
교대곱창, 서울 – 레스토랑 리뷰 – 트립어드바이저
곱창집 Gopchang House .... ร้านอาหารเกาหลีสุดปัง | Trip.Com กรุงเทพฯ
곱창집 Gopchang House …. ร้านอาหารเกาหลีสุดปัง | Trip.Com กรุงเทพฯ
편의한 요리 곱창볶음밥 야식메뉴 만들기 Making Convenient Foods Tripe Fried Rice Night Food -  Youtube
편의한 요리 곱창볶음밥 야식메뉴 만들기 Making Convenient Foods Tripe Fried Rice Night Food – Youtube
곱창집 Gopchang House .... ร้านอาหารเกาหลีสุดปัง | Trip.Com กรุงเทพฯ
곱창집 Gopchang House …. ร้านอาหารเกาหลีสุดปัง | Trip.Com กรุงเทพฯ
Gopchang Story Ny - New York, Ny Restaurant | Menu + Delivery | Seamless
Gopchang Story Ny – New York, Ny Restaurant | Menu + Delivery | Seamless
신촌 황소곱창, 서울 - 레스토랑 리뷰 - 트립어드바이저
신촌 황소곱창, 서울 – 레스토랑 리뷰 – 트립어드바이저

Article link: 곱창집 gopchang house menu.

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